Hybrid parametric (HP)

Pure index products, yield-based products, or anything in between

Hybrid Parametric solutions are a proven concept that allows insurers and reinsurers to offer index products literally without any basis risk. The key to success is to combine satellite data with ground truth data, either collected via the GT app or farm machinery.

Header-parametric index pricing

Rate policies individually

Instead of agreeing on a certain set of weather parameters for a certain region with your client, simply let the client choose which acreage they want to insure, either on a field level or in aggregates. By using GT UDS, you can then rate these policies as easily and quickly as any weather index.

Eliminate the basis risk

By measuring the actual yield, either through GT yield forecast or ground machinery, the basis risk is eliminated. This can attract new customers who would typically avoid index products.

Prevent future disputes

Of course, a client may not always feel comfortable using pure satellite imagery to settle their individual loss. In this case, simply agree beforehand to send an independent loss adjuster to predefined fields to take samples via the GT app.

Scale up globally

The GT platform is agnostic to crops and works literally in any region of the world

Expand your insurance products

Whether you want to improve the pricing accuracy of a current product or price new products, our indeces provide Agricultural Insurers and Insurance Brokers with the right remote sensing and ground level data. GreenTriangle makes it easy to scale at a low admin cost and low transaction costs.

Area Yield Index
When data is missing
The GreenTriangle mobile and web app efficiently combine remote sensing information with experts’ observations, reducing the number of necessary field visits and covering the basis risk for your traditional indemnity and area yield index insurance schemes.
Our platform allows to build and report yield in homogeneous agro-ecological zones and drastically reduce the basis risk inherent to area yield indices based on administrative boundaries.
Regional monitoring
Local monitoring
Sampling and crop cutting

Use this data to structure index insurance products or combine it with local data to distribute hybrid insurance products and benefit both from parametric insights and low basis risks

Soil Moisture Index

Agro-climatic indicators

Minimize your basis risk and automate your payouts using the GreenTriangle Soil Moisture Index. The index evaluates drought conditions and excess moisture globally at any time and more reliably compared to rainfall based indices as it is an agro-climatic indicator and accounts for soil type and evapotranspiration.

Get results in minutes
Download pricing and adjusting parameters for Area Yield index and Soil Moisture Index via our webapp or directly integrate our API with your systems